Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome 2011!

Happy New Year World! Welcome 2011... Good Riddance 2010.

We spent the last day of 2010 on the beach with an esky full of Crown (lager, not royale), with the sun shining and not a cloud in the sky. The high was supposed to be 43C/103F but with the sea breeze it felt like a perfect 30/85. We went for a disappointing meal (long story) and then out in Glenelg to ring in the new year with friends and fireworks.
New Year's Day was one of recovery and indulgence... we put quite a dent in Toblerone #1, haha.

The Last Day of 2010

Glenelg after midnight... over 20,000 had come to see the fireworks