Sunday, June 12, 2011


About a year ago I decided that completing a marathon needed to be my next big goal, and for some reason the deadline of before 2012 seemed appropriate. So at that time I started running again and worked my way up to half-marathon ready-ness and did the McLaren Vale Half in October.
Then I stopped running because of work as walking 15km+ each day and running just wasn't feasible.
Last week I started a new job and started running for real again. So training is back on (a little accelerated but so far it's been fine, somewhat like riding a bike) and the Melbourne Marathon on October 9th is the big shiney prize. I know it will be hard and that when the runs get longer I won't want to do them, but I figure this is a one time thing and will be worth it.
You might be wondering why I feel the need to run a marathon... well it's kind of weird but last year I watched Biggest Loser Australia and towards the end of the series the contestants all completed a marathon. Sure, some of them walked for most of it, but they all completed it. Watching those large individuals cross the finish line made me think that if they can do it, so can I! Ha!

Friday, June 3, 2011