Sunday, April 8, 2012

Shades of Orange

First, Happy Easter!
We had carrot-pear juice today.

Second, yesterday was all about orange coloured juice...
A dark orange carrot-celery-parsley-red pepper juice and a bright almost yellow orange-ginger jucie, yummy!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Juice Day 3

Don't worry, I didn't miss a day. Yesterday I made lemon-orange-ginger juice, it was super yummy. And then a concoction of celery-carrot-parsely-red pepper. And that was just in the morning. I started feeling a bit of a sore throat coming on throughout the day so I juice more oranges in the evening for a hit of straight-up Vitamin C.
This morning I again had the vegetable combo as above and more orange-lemon but this time with pear added.
I've got a full on cold now and am kind of disappointed all this juicing hasn't prevented it. We'll see how long it lasts before we pass any judgement though :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Juice Day 1

This morning I woke up with a killer hangover and needed some juice to sort myself out. I altered one of the recipes in the juice book I'm currently reading (more on that later) in hopes that it'd relieve my hangover, but unfortunately it didn't quite do the trick. Anyways, I juiced ginger, pear, celery, and carrots and it came out a nice bright orange colour. It wasn't too gingery but you could definitely feel the ginger tickle in your nose afterwards and it did clear my sinuses a little.

The Juiceman's Power of Juicing: Delicious Juice Recipes for Energy, Health, Weight Loss, and Relief from Scores of Common Ailments

So the book I'm reading is The Juiceman's Power of Juicing by Jay The Juiceman Kordich. It's pretty well, hokey, and a lot old school, but I like the recipes and that he explains each fruit and vegetable's benefits and why, e.g. carrot juice is good for your skin because it contains beta carotene. Yesterday I had an annoying headache (probably due to not re-hydrating very well throughout the day after my morning run) so i tried one of the jucie recipes that were supposed to relieve headaches, a combination of apple and celery. Sure enough after finishing the glass my heachache was gone. Wild.