Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So I've been in Tully almost a week and am staying another week... why? Not too sure, there isn't much to do, but there is something about it that I like. I haven't found banana work because it's the slow part of the season, but I have my new Tully friends vouching for me by asking farmers they know or work for or serve in the bar downstairs. I might leave in another week if nothing turns up... we'll have to just wait and see and sit tight!
I had a nice long blog post typed out on my laptop but alas, Tully doesn't have a single wireless connection and this computer I'm currently using has it's USB ports locked away.
The area is beautiful though; the backdrop to town is Mount Tyson that is covered in rainforest. Palms trees are everywhere. AND! AND! For being called 'A Pretty wet place' it hasn't rained since I arrived! Beautiful!
Oh and one more thing, this tiny town of 3,500 has a 50m outdoor pool.... whaaaaat?

For Realz.

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