Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cairns! and update on Tully

Last weekend, or I guesss 2 weekends ago now, I went to Cairns for 2 nights! After only 4 days of Banana work I really needed the getaway! haha
ANyways, after a misunderstanding and a car that wouldn't start I ended up taking the 11pm Greyhound to Cairns. I arrived at 1:30am and then it took me another 30mins to find my drunk b/f, ANdy. The night was young and we took full advantage of all that Ciarns nightlife has to offer (which is wicked!)

The next day was pretty low key. I spent a few hours at Macca's for free wifi and then a little while at the waterfront lagoon. Beautiful. We went out again that night and partied it up! Luckily the weather cooperated and it was a gorgeous 28C. We went back to Tully early on Sunday (our ride needed to get to Brisbane, over 1000km, in a few days) after a short spot in Innisfail for KFC (barf). SHit went down that afternoon with Southeast England drunk James on the prowl. First it took him 3 hours to take a shower (people were yelling at him to shower he smelt so bad) and when he finally did he feel and hit his head. Then later he lit a garbage bin on fire that was full of paper towel. He melted the bin. Tully drama I tell you.

It was back to work on MOnday and then this past weekend was pretty chilled out, besides getting kicked out of a stupid Radiator's concert in Silkwood. I went to bed at 8:30pm on Saturday! haha! Sunday we all played some soccer on the state school's field- it was good times. We're going to try to play every weekend now.

So that's Tully life. Pretty uneventful.

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