Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cake, Glorious Cake


We made another amazing cake on Sunday afternoon. It actually was 'we' this time, Andy did almost everything according to my instruction and under my watchful eye. He, of course, claims he did it all himself and is now the best cake maker out of the two of us. Right.
The cake was called Blueberry Cheesecake Gateau. Let me translate: Pound cake with cream cheese icing and blueberries on top (and strawberries).
In other news, it's getting cold here. We had a rainy Saturday that brought the cold in with it. Boo. On Monday I got us both Kmart slippers and we have even slept a few nights with the windows closed. My tan is fading and my hands are always cold. The coldest it has been at night is 6C (40F), but thats too cold in my book. It's still in the 20s during the day at least.
I've been getting more hours with the swim lessons, slowly, so there is hope with that, finally!

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