Sunday, November 28, 2010

An Ode to my Old Shoes

To My Dear Old Shoes,
My Men's Nike Free 5.0s,
I don't remember what year I bought you in, maybe 2005, but I know you weren't used until 2008.
You helped me begin training for my first half-marathon, but were replaced by better runners early on.
But I chose you to come to Australia with me because you are light and not bulky.
You were with me ever step of the way.
We ran in every major city I visited: Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne, and Adelaide.
You came to Tasmania with me and we did the hike down to Wine Glass Bay, where you got wet and turned into Cat-o-ninetails shoes. But you dried quickly and that's why you were my favourite shoes.
You've been to Byron Bay, Bay of Fires, the South and North Island of New Zealand, Kings Canyon, Uluru (Ayers Rock), Kuta Tajuta (The Olgas), Darwin, Bali, and Tully! You've worked on a banana farm!
You also got to go to Malaysia, Thailand, and Laos with me. And back to Canada again.
At that point you were still in okay shape and got to come back with me. But then I started running again and you started to look your age. You helped me at the beginning of my training for my second half marathon but alas, once again you were replaced by younger, more supportive shoes. By then you had a hole in only one heel.
Then I started reading meters and things really went downhill.
You've read thousands of water meters too and helped to make me the best water meter reader in Adelaide.
You now have holes in both your heels. And your insoles are wearing thin. Your insoles also got chewed up by a dog when they were left out to dry. You have no more grip on your soles and last week I slipped on a fence and it left a nasty bruise. That's what has made me decide your time has come.
But your time to retire has come. 
You've had a long and full live.


See the holes?

They kept my feet cool

Full of grass burr thingys

Worn insoles


No tread left

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