Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry (Belated) Christmas!

I know it's a few days late, but Merry Christmas Everyone!
My Christmas was a good one and consisted of drinking too much in Glenelg on Christmas Eve and a very hungover first half of Christmas Day. But despite the hungness we still openned our pressies, had quiche and coffee cake for brunch, and the turkey was in the oven all by 10:30am!!

Sunset Bar at Glenelg Marina, Christmas Eve

More on the turkey... on Christmas Eve we were aimlessly wandering the market trying to decide where to get a turkey from and as we passed by probably the most expensive exclusively fowl selling stall we heard the man behind the counter yell 'Everything in this window $10!' Surely he didn't include the giant turkey sitting there in that low, low price. I asked him how much the turkey was, he told me half-price and chucked it on the scale... the baby was 6.7kg, more than most babies haha, and should've cost nearly $80! He said we could have it for $35! Sold! Of course it was the only thing that fit in the oven the next day, but oh well!

 Oven hog
Around the time the turkey was beginning to roast our English friend Rob and his pseudo g/f from Tiawan came over for the day. We all played a bit of beach cricket and football and volleyball throughout the day and ate our giant turkey with all the trimmings (except cranberries, forgot about those) at around 5pm on the table on the back patio, overlooking the dunes and ocean. Oh yeah, did I mention this was my first attempt at turkey and it came our perfect? When we started carving it it was looking a bit dry but after the first slice or two oh boy was she a juicey one! We also had Andy's made ahead gravy (a la Jamie Oliver), roast potatoes, roast carrots and parsnips, and stuffing. For dessert we had coconut and white chocolate cream peach shortcake. I felt stuffed for the next two days and we still have a ton of turkey in the freezer.

Christmas Dinner

Watching the sunset on Christmas Day

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