Friday, June 1, 2012

Juicing: 2 Months In

Today is June 1st and I have not missed a day of juicing and drinking fresh juice since April 1st.
I've actually been a little disappointed with the result of all this juicing... like most new things I try I had very large expectations; I expected that all this extra fruit and veg in my life was going to create big changes! Well low and behold I was wrong, nothing seems to have changed, to a noticable degree anyways.  I may have had more energy but it is hard to judge because I had been training for a half marathon since mid March and ran the race last weekend. And now we are preparing for our Europe vacation in July so the training regime will go into to overdrive for the next 5 weeks (we plan to over indulge and do not want to come back looking like total hippos). It will be interesting to see what happens when the juicing stops when we're away. Maybe we'll turn into trolls??

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