Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Well F*ck.

It is the night before I fly to Montreal, now past my bedtime, and earlier I checked my flight status for tomorrows flights. And low and behold, my flight from Dallas/Fort Worth to Montreal has been cancelled. Why? I have no idea. I guess because either a) no one wants to go to Canada or b) American Airlines found out I was on that flight and decided -since they hate me- to cancel it. Thanks AA you fuckers.
So tomorrow I will go to the airport as planned and see if I can get to Montreal at a decent hour and try to avoid the 6+ hour wait in Dallas that seeems to be what my foreseeable future most certainly holds.

In other news: we got rid of the puppy. It's a long story.

Anyway, wish me luck with leg 1 of my 2 months of traveling. Let's hope I leave Austin tomorrow. hahaha

Até logo,

Monday, June 25, 2007


So I am all packed and ready to go pretty much, which is good because today my roommate Meghan made a large purchase... she bought a puppy! And it is the cutest pomeranian I have ever seen! hahaha

His name is Theodore Austin Peart, but we call him Teddy. I wanted to name him James.

There are more pics of TAP on the face :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Welcome to my blog/ Packing = boooooo

Well it happened: I decided to start a blog.
I will use this friendly free internet space to chronicle my 25th summer on this planet in the year 2007. Mostly it will serve as a place of updates all about my Pan American Games experience with Team Canada. I will meet up with the team on Thursday in Montreal, where we will all race in the Bell Grand Prix/ Quebec Cup meet at the Olympic Park Pool. After that meet we will train/prepare for the next 10 or so days in Parc Jean-Drapeau before traveling to Brazil together on July 10th.

Anyway, today I start step 1, no make that step 2, of my journey.
Step 1 was doing my laundry. Step 2 is packing. Really not a tremendous task, but after Brazil I go to Calgary for another meet, then Vancouver and Kingston for the month of August, so I have to pack for 2 months and have little to no idea what I'll need or want.

Please feel free to leave comments and your address if you want a postcard! hehe Hopefully I will be able to post pictures along the way, just have to remember to pack my camera's USB cable, haha.

As they say in Brazil: Até logo!

Heart, Liz-Core