Monday, December 15, 2008

This Week in Byron...

Tallow Beach

Earlier this week Kate and I (Diva is still in WA) ventured to a beach we hadn’t been to yet- Tallow Beach. It is on the other side of the Lighthouse hill from town, technically not on the bay. Tallow Beach stretches 7 miles south down to Broken Head, past Suffolk Park and Baywood Chase. It is probably my favorite beach in Byron mainly because there weren’t many people on it. The surf was a little crazy though, just pounding. We didn’t go in.
The next day we took the bus to Mullumbimby, a little town about 20mins inland. It was a hot day, really humid and no breeze that far from the ocean, we were both dehydrated zombies by the end. BUT when we first got there we went to a little café for a snack and I had the BEST MUFFIN OF MY LIFE. It was mixed berry and crumbled when you touched it, it was so delicate but a little crunchy on the outside too! Heaven.
The Best Muffin of my LIFE!
Then we wandered around town, all 2 blocks of it, and then went to another café for lunch. The vibe here was really chill, it was open air and we had a significant sized lizard waddle over to our table at one point. We finished our Mullum adventure at the Chocolate shop, that turned out to be like any old Candy store. We were both a little disappointed but still had a super sugar binge, weeeeeeeeeee!
Our lunch date

On Thursday the shit hit the fan. The internet stopped working. We called the girl we are renting from, AMY, and asked if maybe she had forgotten to pay the bill or something, but she said she had it set up to automatically withdraw from her bank account when payments were due. So I said weird and she said she would look into it. I also asked her why some guy who claimed to be her daughter's father keeps calling the landline asking for her, when he has her mobile number? She said, oh he’s just an alcoholic and mentally unstable, so just ignore him. Mmmmmmkay. So the next day we text her asking if shes made any progress with the internet. She says the account has been “shut down” and one of us could try setting up an account in our name b/c it “mite be easier.” Rage. One of the reasons we moved in to this hellhole was because it included wireless internet! I looked into setting up a new account and the guy told me we wouldn’t have to pay the start-up fee or anything, but we would only want it for not even 2 months and we are paying Amy for bills already so she should be fixing this for us! This internet thing is turning into the straw that broke the camels back. There’s no internet, there are still roaches and it’s still filthy despite our hardcore cleaning efforts, AND there is still a stripper and her 4yr old son. Other then being a roof over our heads it’s not much else. We are going to look into moving in the new year into one of the caravan park’s self-contained cabins. Rent wouldn’t be much more, but it would be cleaner and have wireless. Yes, that’s right: We’d be going from living with a stripper to living in a trailer park. Trying to get the full Aussie experience here in Byron Bay. Did I mention the trailer park has plenty of hippies? And bearded dragons!

On to better news- yesterday was an awesome day!
First Laurie (Kate and Diva’s friend from Toronto who got here about a week ago and is planning to stay in Byron for about 6 months) and I went to brunch in town. It was excellent! Then we sat on the beach for a few hours. The sky was blue and the breeze was lovely! Finally, in late afternoon we met up with some of Laurie’s other friends from Canada (Go Team Canada!) at the Beachie to see Lisa Hunt perform. She did all covers from Motown to 70s disco. It was fucking wild! I'll post the videos I took soon, it's not working right now.
After dancing for about 2hours and a few beers we went to Legendz for pizza, had ice cream, and then called it a night. Good times.

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