Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Where Am I Now?

Darwin Harbour- over 1000 sq km in area

So last Tuesday night, or Wednesday morning I guess, I returned to Darwin from Bali. I checked into a hostel, slept, woke up, checked out, checked into a different, better hostel. And then wandered aimlessly. Actually, I really went to Global Gossip (internet café) to try to figure out what to do next. I’d looked at a bunch of bulletin boards in the various backpackers looking for rides to the East Coast but the few that were posted weren’t leaving for another week or so. I looked for fruit picking jobs in the area too, but there weren’t any. I slept a lot and must admit that I was a suffering from mild post-Bali depression. I knew the French guys I’d met in Bali would be driving their campervan to the East Coast when they got back to Darwin, but on the day I left they’d been talking about extending their visas there, so who knows when they were coming back. I decided to set a deadline- if I hadn’t heard from the French guys by Friday at 6pm I would book a flight to Brisbane and go to Byron Bay. I had to go back to Byron some time as I’d left some things there. I also figured there would be more chance of catching a ride up the coast from there. So Friday 6pm rolls around and at a little after 7pm I booked a flight to Brisbane for less than 12 hours later (6am) and a shuttle to Byron Bay. In the hurry of booking things I sort of forgot to tell the girls that I was coming, haha oops! It worked out in the end though. They, Diva, Kate and Laurie, have just signed a 6 month lease on a gorgeous summer holiday letting house. It’s fully furnished, clean, and in a great location (close to the CBD and 5 mins walk from the beach!). It feels like someone’s parent’s cottage it’s so nice. Why are a bunch of crazy, yet responsible, 20-somethings living here? Hahaha Not much has changed in Byron: Woolworth’s got a makeover that included a new sign: Crazy Clark’s in closing; and a new backpackers hostel has opened. Fancy shit. Also, Diva has been promoted to manager of the café she’s been working at since Christmas time, moving up in the world.
Anyway, I’m planning on hanging around Byron for about 2 weeks, at least until May 10th for Laurie’s big 25th Birthday, and then heading up the coast. I’ve thought about staying in Byron but it is already too cold in the night/morning/evening for me, though work is available which is tempting. Further north I might try my hand at the fruit picking thing, the pay seems to be decent, I like hard, monotonous work (hours of staring at that black line were quite enjoyable most days), and if I can do it for 3 months I automatically qualify for a 2nd year of working holiday visa here.
The prospect of making money is my main goal right now. After Bali, I caught the South East Asia bug and can not wait to see more. If I can save a few pretty pennies I’ll go back to Bali and the rest of Indonesia, and also hit up Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Vanuatu, etc etc etc!
Opportunity is on the horizon folks!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Back from Bali

Kuta Beach Sunset

Now, I know this is going to sound cliché, but I feel like Bali changed my life. It would take me hours and hours to write about my Bali experience but I’ll try to sum it up in as few words as possible. First, let me tell you that I was in Bali for a proper relaxing holiday and thus stayed in Kuta/Legian Beach the whole time. I did go see one temple- Tanah Lot, the water temple- by motorbike with a couple French guys I’d met (unfortunately it rained during sunset, which was the reason we’d gone out there, it was still worth it), but other than that I stayed put. My days consisted off waking up late, going to eat lunch, laying on the beach reading, collecting shells, walking through the narrow gangs (alleys) checking out the wares for sale in the stalls, trying not to get hit by cars and motorbikes, saying ‘No thank you’ 5,000 times everyday, talking to the locals, hanging out in front of the TV at the place I stayed, eating dinner (almost always accompanied by a Bintang), showering, hanging out some more, trying to learn a little basic Indonesian, drinking, partying, dancing until the wee hours. It was the life. And now being back in Darwin I feel a little depressed coming down, tumbling down, from the high that was Bali. I feel really lucky to have found the cottages where I stayed, it was like being part of a big family. Everyone was so welcoming- both the staff and fellow guests. I loved not having A/C and looked forward to having my cold shower. I met people from all over the world staying at my same place and we all got on very well and now I miss them! I ate excellent and damn cheap Indonesian food. I met people from around the world all in Bali to have a great time. I saw Ban Chongs and could pick them out by the end. I went to the night clubs and survived! I had the best pork I’ve ever had when we had a pig roast. I fell in love with Cassava chips. I had Arak Attacks many nights (Arak = palm liquor, it will fuck you up)! I met a fellow Longhorn in one of the clubs one night and was reminded of how proud I was to be a Longhorn! I also met a Sooner that same night, wild! I want to go back already. I want to go back every year.

Tanah Lot

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bali Bagus!

I've been in Bali, Kuta to be exact, for a week now. ANd WOW- it is bagus! (That means good in Indonesian and is one of the only words I can remember, ahaa). When I arrived last Wednesday night I was picked up at the airport by my hotel that I'd booked online and taken there and basically went straight to bed, after I figuring out what time I was in, haha. THe next day my task was to find a new place to stay, somewhere cheaper and nicer, and get to know the area a little and just take in my surroundings. And well shit! this place just overwhelms your senses at first! The sights, smells, and sounds and constantly changing, and then the textures and tastes are diverse as wwell! Anyway, after a long day of walking around I'd found a cheaper and cleaner guesthouse to stay at and hoped they would have a room the next day. At the family owned and run places, often called bungalows or cottages, it is first come, first serve, and really is like you're staying at the families home, cuz well you are. haha. So I definately ended up picking the right place. Most of the people staying here have been here for a few weeks and always come back. I've gotten to know the Kuta Beach area well and basically just go to the beach everyday, eat out every meal (cheap!) and still somehow manage to spend less than $20 CAD/day (that includes the accommodation- it's 70,000 Rp/night, look up that exchange rate at
I've gone out a few times- it's wild! Drank too much last night, arak (coconut liquor) got me bad. and was hungover most of the day, didn't get out of bed til nearly 3pm!
Sorry this is so short and undetailed. It would take hours to tell about everything. You'll just have to come experience for yourselves!