Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bali Bagus!

I've been in Bali, Kuta to be exact, for a week now. ANd WOW- it is bagus! (That means good in Indonesian and is one of the only words I can remember, ahaa). When I arrived last Wednesday night I was picked up at the airport by my hotel that I'd booked online and taken there and basically went straight to bed, after I figuring out what time I was in, haha. THe next day my task was to find a new place to stay, somewhere cheaper and nicer, and get to know the area a little and just take in my surroundings. And well shit! this place just overwhelms your senses at first! The sights, smells, and sounds and constantly changing, and then the textures and tastes are diverse as wwell! Anyway, after a long day of walking around I'd found a cheaper and cleaner guesthouse to stay at and hoped they would have a room the next day. At the family owned and run places, often called bungalows or cottages, it is first come, first serve, and really is like you're staying at the families home, cuz well you are. haha. So I definately ended up picking the right place. Most of the people staying here have been here for a few weeks and always come back. I've gotten to know the Kuta Beach area well and basically just go to the beach everyday, eat out every meal (cheap!) and still somehow manage to spend less than $20 CAD/day (that includes the accommodation- it's 70,000 Rp/night, look up that exchange rate at
I've gone out a few times- it's wild! Drank too much last night, arak (coconut liquor) got me bad. and was hungover most of the day, didn't get out of bed til nearly 3pm!
Sorry this is so short and undetailed. It would take hours to tell about everything. You'll just have to come experience for yourselves!

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