Saturday, November 28, 2009

Luang Prabang

We spent 3 nights in LP and sun only came out on our last day. It was freezing without the sun! I could see my breath! The first day a few of us went to see the big temple on the top of the hill and then took a tuktuk to Kuang Si Waterfall. Everyone else was sick with bad stomachs and most likely TD. Luang Prabang had a cool night market that I went to a few times and a bowling alley! Hahaha. Because it was so cold we all kind of went into hibernation mode and wanted to huddle under the nice duvets of our beds. I was going to do an elephant safari/ride type thing but I would’ve froze and not enjoyed it.
Kaung Si Waterfall... not the big part

Dumpling... maybe the best thing ever.

Part of the temple on the hill in LP

More Temple

Going up the hill to the temple

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