Friday, November 27, 2009

Vang Vieng: The Happiest Place on Earth

Our "VIP" bus to VV

On our second day in Lao we took the afternoon “VIP” bus to Vang Vieng. It’s only about 150km but it takes 3 hours, especially when your “VIP” bus looks like it’s about 100 years old and all the baggage is strapped on the roof. We found a hotel and chilled out in preparation of the coming 2 days.... of tubing!
Tubing in Lao is a little bit like the Texas version. Same in that you pay money to rent a tube and get a ride to a point further up river. Different in that you are barely on your tube and can see the end point from the beginning; there are bars all along the river; the bars all have a zipline, rope swing, or slide into the river; and well that’s it really. So we did that 2 days in a row. The weather was unagreeable, it was overcast and since Lao is in the Northern Hemisphere and it’s November no sun = not warm. The second day we all shivered our way down the river but luckily most bars have a big fire warm yourself at. 3 of our group pussed out and didn’t come the second day, but Ben and his g/f showed up and came instead. We spent a lot of that 2nd say at the bar with the monkey. It was a little gray monkey with a long tail and really creepy looking eyes. We ended the last day at the big slide. This was a mistake. I landed funny and knocked the wind out of myself and felt like a walking, talking bruise for the next days… but looking back I still would’ve done it.

View down river from the first bar

First zipline of the day

The first bar later on...

The slide on Day 1- didn't hurt.

Day Two

First Beer Lao of the day... 1pm

Monkey trying to drink free whiskey shots... he succeeded but I wasn't fast enough with the camera

Mud volleyball

In the mud pit... it was almost 7ft deep!

Near the end, about to go on a rope swing

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