Sunday, September 12, 2010

September Already?!

Sorry for the lack of posting... the new job has been keeping me busy. I'll do a post on THAT this week hopefully. In other more general news, the rain has slightly abated. We've had a lovely and relaxing weekend, it was even 20degreesC today and we, I, did some baking- Coconut chocolate chunk cake, or something along those lines. It's very nice, very very nice!
The flower blooming keeps getting more impressive in the Adelaide area. There are hundreds of trees blossoming in either pink or white. They're quite fragarent as well. Theres also tons of other flowers- wild yellow ones everywhere (they're probs weeds, they look like big buttercups) and daisys of various colors. I should take some pictures before everything dies in a few months when the dry, dry heat takes hold (can't wait) and the landscape goes from green back to yellow/brown. Lovely. haha.
I have also been keeping on with the running and am training for a half-marathon that's in October! Today I ran an 18k! My legs hurt now haha.
I'll try to do a better job on the postings in the future!

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