Sunday, September 11, 2011


Waking up in a dark, cool basement was a little strange at first, but then we realized where we were- my Aunt and Uncle's basement. It was nearly 11am so we had somehow managed 9hours of sleep. After some glorious Messina lunch we climbed in the van and my Mom took us to the great North American establishmen known as Walmart. Wandering in, wide-eyed and jetlagged, I couldn't believe how cheap everything was! I had totally forgotten about the convience this side of the world had to offer. They have everything and it doesn't cost you much. We made a few more stops after Walmart, including the LCBO and the Beer Store, and then went back to John and Cathie's to enjoy the humid afternoon heat and few cold beers on the patio. As the afternoon turned to evening we had a few small friends drop by:  the neighbourhood raccoons!! They were brave little f*ckers and would let you get very close to them before turning away and strolling away.
Dinner was served fashionably late, as usual, but the poached egg salad and and steak frites was well worth the wait. Oh and the ice cream sandwiches for dessert- just as good as I remembered!
Somehow after all that food we made it to a bar for a few hours before staggering drunkenly home and back to bed.
The next morning it was off to the CN Tower for lunch. It was only my 2nd time going up and my first time going to the restaurant. Since we didn't spend much time in Toronto it was a good chance for Andy see the size of the city from above. We said goodbye to John and Cathie and got in Julia's car to drive home to Kingston in and get ready for the next day's Pig Roast!

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