Saturday, September 24, 2011


On arrival in the town of Kings, I was pleasantly surprised that the bed in my room had been substantially upgraded... two words: memory. foam. This was both a good and bad thing. Good because it was so damn comfy, bad because it facilitated giving in to the evil of all evils known as jet lag. My allergies also went nuts on our arrival to Kingston and I spent most of the next two weeks with some weird vertigo "I'm on a big ship at sea" sensations and also on antihistamines. weeeee!
Saturday morning we were up early with all the hustle and bustle of Julia, Sarah and Greg transporting the pig from the bath tub to the spit.

It was a lengthy task and I got hungry half way through, ended up making breakfast for everyone and totally missing the head being cut of with a pairing knife!! We later learned that the head was disposed of in a public garbage bin somewhere in downtown Kingston (why is another story that heavily involves raccoons). Andy and I went to Cataraqui Mall at this point to try and find a SIM card but came back disappointed and empty handed and took it as a sign to start drinking.
Moosehead was had in all its glory on this hot and humid day. Guests started to trickle in and the pig continued to cook. Looking back it was sort of a big blur with the jet lag and Moosehead and all. But a fun blur at that.

The next day started with clean-up and a $51 load of returns at the Beer Store. Then it was off to Bubba's to see Paris and for Andy to experience poutine for the first time EVER.

The next ten days were spent playing pool, enjoying Canadian beer and  Andy sampling the fast food, wandering Princess Street, meeting up with old friends, going through my closet, a sail on the Short's sailboat, visiting Fort Henry (thank you Taylos) and even a few spins on the wakeboard and tubes!!
We also took a day trip to Prince Edward County for wine tasting and a little taste of the county.
By the end of our time there it'd felt like we were there nearly a month! which was a good thing because we felt recharged and ready to tackle the whirlwind we had planned in the remaining 8 days of our time in North America!
To be continued...

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