Friday, October 21, 2011


Our drive from Vegas to LA seemed to take all day. We stopped for lunch at a cool 50s diner called Peggy's Diner or something like that. It was indulgently delicious!
Back on the road traffic slowed down going through the San Bernardino Mountains due to fires. At first I thought it was notrious LA traffic and smog until visibility continued to worsen and we saw firefighters trying to put out the flames and water helicopters with giant hoses hanging out of them. After that it was smooth sailing all the way to Elaine's place in West LA. We made it in one piece in our fancy rental car! ha!
The next day Elaine took us to a great breakfast place and then down to Venice Beach for the day. It was a gorgeous day and we socked up the sun and freaks of Venice! Later we walked down to Santa Monica for some drinks and food.

Between Venice and Santa Monica

The next day Ashley Razo dropped by with yummy bagels and we caught up for a bit before she had to head to orientation at Pepperdine (she's in her second year of the MBA program there). Then Andy and I ventured into Downtown LA to return the car and see the Hollywood sights! Hollywood was a bit of a let down, I didn't see a single celebrity :( But we had Chipotle for lunch and Andy was very impressed (it was his first time!).

Hollywood Chipotle

We ended up at Venice Beach again and met up with Elaine (who coaches little swimmer kiddos) then it was off to another mini-Texas reunion with Elaine, Nikki, and Deals! It was an awesome last night in North America!
Reunion #2

The next day was our last day on the continent. We had giant pancakes for breakfast that we barely touched and ended up giving to some homeless people in Santa Monica. Then we beached and shopped and enjoyed the lovely California sun. Back at Elaine's we walked Molly before Elaine took us to LAX and we said goodbye to North Amerca.

Walking Molly

The trip back was uneventful and seemed much quicker than the way there had been.
Back to reality.

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