Friday, October 21, 2011


September kinda sucked.
A couple positives are that it's over and the weather was much nicer than last year and gave glimpses of the coming summer.
When we got back from our trip we had a little over a month to find a new place to live (because of lease was ending and the owners wanted to move their Mother in, hence no lease renewal). We anticipated this being easy but our expectations were high and it seemed like every real estate property management agent we contacted could care less about showing us these places. It was extremely frustrating and annoying.
BUT at the last minute we ended up getting our dream apartment in Glenelg (i.e. the best suburb in all of South Australia)! It's modern, right on the beach, and within walking distance of everything you could ever want (grocery store, shops, banks, bars, restaurants, tram to the city, etc).
Since we were so last minute getting a new address it took the internet guys 3 weeks to get our internet up and running here in the new place, of course, haha, and it feels like just today things are finally getting settled.
Now all we need is some wall art to spice the place up!

The new pad

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