Friday, September 26, 2008

Beebe, Arkansas

It is the end of what is the first day of the rest of my life. Today, at approximately 2:25pm we (my Dad and I) finally got on I-35 North and left Austin. I am currently sitting in a Holiday Inn Express off I-40 in Beebe, AR. I just had a shower and finally feel clean. This morning was… interesting. It definitely did not go the way I had planned. Am I crazy to think that all my shit was going to fit in my tiny Corrolla?? We ended up shipping 3 packages on Greyhound to Watertown, NY (about 30min drive from Kingston) and it cost over 200bones USD. I would like to say at least we got it all in, but that would be a big fat lie. I purged and purged and purged again. At this point I don’t really know what I got rid of and what I still have. My Dad did all the packing as I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to throw things away slash avoid the homeless man scouting the dumpster, feeling bad about parting with things I hadn’t used/wore in at least over a year. By the end I was totally distraught. I would like to give a shout out big THANK YOU to Tinnon. You saved many of my personal belongings’ lives today and made me feel less of a horrible person by taking that car load of shit to Goodwill/ adopting some shit too. Thanks! Also, Thank You to Deals for the moral support and for taking my pillows. I will probably cry over the loss of them later. I apologize to both you though, for my distraught goodbyes. Sweet jesus.
Okay, so time for bed. We drove roughly 850km/530miles, and it took about 8hours I think. We stopped a few times for bathroom breaks, gas, and dinner at a hole in the wall BBQ place in Mt Pleasant, TX. It was called Texas BBQ Corral. It was good.

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