Saturday, September 27, 2008


I am in the heart of America! Doing American things! Today was such a long day. We got on the Interstate in Beebe, Arkansas at 8:30am Central, I can't even remember what the # was I-__? haha. And now we're again at a Holiday Inn Express in Findlay, Ohio. I wanted to drive through the night but decided against it. Also, my Dad wanted to stop. I was being powered by high quality heart of America cuisine-- Chipotle and Coldstone. And as we drove onwards through Ohio we listened to the 2008 Presidential Debate and I felt more American then I ever have before.

Except I got GermanKhokolakake, and no fancy cone bowl

So we are only about 90mins from Detroit/the Border/Canada. So we will be home by like lunch time tomorrow. I will do a better update about today and tomorrow, when I get to the View tomorrow. I will also re-teach myself how to do this whole blog thing and add tags and links and fancy shit! Wooooooo!

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