Sunday, September 14, 2008

WOW... long time!

So it's been a while... a long while!
Pan Ams ended well... 2 bronze in the backstrokes and then our relay got silver! It was an incredible trip with incredible people!
Since then though, a lot has changed in my life... this past swim season did not go as well as I would have liked and I knew it was time to make a change. So I retired! Love it or leave it has been my motto and I stuck to it.
I am now at the beginning of a new chapter in my life. It is both exciting and scary at the same time! This new chapter starts with moving back to Canada. On September 26th my Dad and I will drive back to the Great White North! Wooooooooo to 30hours in a car! haha After the big drive I'll be hanging around my parents new, awesome house on Lake Ontario for about 4 weeks. After that... the fun starts! October 26th I'm off to Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii for about 10 days and then November 4th I take off for Australia! I am planning to stay for around a year, but we'll see. When I arrive in Brissy I'll be somehow meeting up with Diva and Kate, who will have already been there for about two months. We'll surf, party, and maybe work (since our Working Holiday Visas do allow for it) and it will be wicked!
Although the previous chapter is full of good memories, experiences, and lessons, it is definately over and this next one looks like it could be pretty stellar as well!

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