Sunday, January 11, 2009

Buddha, La La, Beachie, Pancakes, 14,000ft. In that order.

Last night we went to Buddha Bar for a few drinks and listened to a kinda shitty DJ. We all drank Byron Bay Premium Ale, it tasted a lot like a Canadian beer I've had before but we couldn't figure out which one... maybe Lucky? Anyway, after Buddha Bar closed at midnight (only 4 places in town stay open past 12) we headed over to La La Land and the rest is insanity. I really like Diva's account so check it out at DivaSurfs.

In other news today is pancake day aka we're having pancakes for dinner! But first we are going to see Lisa Hunt again at the Beachie. This morning Laurie and I had brunch at Diva's work- Satori- and I uploaded other 150 pictures. Click the "Byron Bay Part II" pic for the link!

Also, tomorrow I will be jumping out of an airplane (tandem) from 14,000ft and free falling for 70seconds at 6am. Go big or go home, right?

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