Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kate, don't read this. You won't think it's funny.

Last night Kate and I were chilling in our beds and I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I knew it was a cockroach, they came to visit us upstairs every once in a while, big ones only though. So I got up to get rid of it with a shoe and had it under the shoe and I swear it made a crunch, but then the little fucker ran out from under the shoe and went under the bed!
Shiiiiiiit! What do we do now?! Just wait for it to come out? Try to move this giant wooden twin bed and find it under there? Pretend it didn't happen and let it lay eggs on our faces in the middle of the night?
We opted for B.) Try to move the bed and kill the fucker! I thought it was pretty hilarious when I was standing on the bed frame, holding two twin mattresses in the air so that Kate- with flashlight in hand- could locate the roach. She found him and went downstairs to get the bug spray (the pest was under one of the supporting beams, upside down. Pretty much impossible to get at and kill with our hands or any type of tool, hence the bug spray), leaving me still holding up the mattresses. I laughed a bit to myself and when she came back upstairs suggested taking a picture. She replied with something like: "No. I don't want to remember this!" Picture or not, my stance will stick in my memory. Needless to say, Kate sprayed the shit out of the roach and then it kind of disappeared. We assumed it was dead and put the bed back together. About a minute later I saw the struggling/dying roach half under the closet door. That fucker! We moved the sliding doors (they're the double doors on tracks closet doors) until he was exposed and then I killed him with a shoe and crushed him good, after he'd tried to jump away and continued to try to get away even when he was missing a couple legs.
So no roach-eggs-laid-on-our-faces-in-the-middle-of-the-night for us last night.

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