Sunday, February 1, 2009

End of January Disaster!

This all went down on Friday night, but let me begin with some background information. Koral is out of town, in Melbourne or Sydney, stripping aka ‘working’. And while we were away in Tasmania she changed the doorknob on her door, like installed one that locks. I had seen the new doorknob lying on her bed months ago and then noticed when we got back from Tassie that she’d finally installed it. All of our first thoughts at the sight of the changed doorknob was: 'she doesn't have anything worth stealing', but figure she did it cuz our door locks and we lock it when we go out. And she does have a fair sized collection of CDs and DVDs, and her performance gear as well, hahaha.
So on Friday night I was plugging in speakers to play music from my laptop, and I didn’t turn off the power bar before I plugged in and it ended up blowing the fuse (these speakers are trouble and I should’ve known better, but did it anyway). This same fuse blows often, this is the 3rd or 4th time it's gone out this month!
So here is the kicker- we're like 'oh, we just have to reset it' but the fuse box is in the garage, which is Koral’s room, and it’s locked b/c she’s away! Now we would've just left the fuse off or unswitched or whatever but it just so happens that this same fuse is connected to the fridge, so we haaaave to get it back on or else everything in the fridge goes bad and the polar icecap that is the freezer melts and causes water damage!
Our first move is to go over to Koral's boyfriend's (Ryan) house, he lives like 2 doors down, but he wasn't home. His roommate calls him and says Ryan'll be back in a 1/2 hour but doesn’t have a key. But the roommate was confused and thought we were locked out of the house. So we came back here and started to try to pick the lock.
I looked it up on the internet, but had had some wine by that point and there was bad lighting and the right tools were just not available in this house. With picking the lock basically out of the question, Diva moved the fridge out from it's little vestibule, unplugged it, and got a power bar with a long cord and plugged it in across the kitchen into an outlet that still works. And then we went out!
Fridge in the middle of the kitchen.

Hours later when we got home Ryan had left the key to Koral's room between the screen door and big door! Thank You again Ryan! We immediately unlocked her door and flipped the switch.
Here’s the other kicker- There were cockroaches galore behind and under the fridge (we think the roaches might have come with the fridge. Steve told us Amy got the fridge from St Vinny’s (op shop) just before she left). Behind the fridge was just teaming with life, so I sprayed them good. SO good that the whole house spelt like poison! Drunk bug spraying = bad idea. And there were roach corpses everywhere!
In the morning I swept them up and it was almost like none of it ever happened. The End.

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