Sunday, February 8, 2009

Last Day in Byron Bay!

Today is my last full day in the Byron Shire! Since I packed yesterday, my day will be spent doing the lighthouse walk, conquering the wreck, and dressing as a fairy... all in the name of the scavenger hunt (see below)! I think I'm really going to miss Byron but am really looking forward to moving on and getting the f*ck out of this house... speaking of... Amy (the girl who owns/name’s on the lease) showed up a few days earlier than expected. She also showed up with her kids, also unexpected (well we knew ahead of time but originally Amy was supposed to be starting uni and the kids were to stay with her Mother). Anyway, after not being home even 24 hours she writes us a note that basically says she hopes we are cleaner at the next house we stay at. We didn’t understand it. Had she totally forgotten how disgusting this place was when she left? Amy also gave Koral her notice aka she has 3 weeks to vacate the premises. Stupid stripper, haha. But Diva, Kate and I are all moving out on Monday, and then going up to Gold Coast/Surfers Paradise. That is where we will separate and say our goodbyes (for a few months). Diva and Laurie will return to Byron Bay for the next 2.5 months, while Kate and I start our Aussie-Kiwi travels
On Friday night in anticipation of our departure Laurie set us out on a Byron style scavenger hunt. We split into teams, Diva and I, versus Kate and Laurie, with myself and Kate locating the things on the list and the other two giving us hints if needed/asked for and taking our picture doing silly things. The hunt began with a snack worth 5pts- half a Vegemite sandwich. We were both so hungry and had already started the goon a little earlier (at like 5:30pm eeeek). Needless to say, by 8pm things were getting messy, Diva and I scored the 15 extra points bonus for finishing our bottle of goon (Laurie separated the goon- wine in a box- into two 1.5L bottles, one for each of us) by that specified time and through all this we some how forgotten to eat dinner, what? Haha although goon is not dinner, apparently goon and a pint is!
Anyway, Laurie went home early because she had to work, Kate stayed later, and Diva and I had to take a cab home because we would’ve been fined for drink-riding our bikes (yes, that is a law here)!
Home before 11pm and a handful of drunk facebook messages later, it was lights out early! Wooooooooooo!
Last night we went out to good old Aquarius for Kate's last night with her co-workers. It was good times and a little dancing was had, and of course the drinks were freeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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