Sunday, November 8, 2009

Patong, Phuket

Hanging out at Rabbit Mansion

After our first night in Rabbit Mansion we decided we'd stay for the whole 6 nights we are on Phuket (despite it being focused at French tourists) .We've been renting out mopeds since then and the drive is quite short and fun, of course. The past three days have pretty much been the same- just walking around Patong buying stuff (so far I've only bought a pair of Gucci sunglasses... oh and a new camera!). The weather has been pretty agreeable- partly cloudy and the ocassional freak down pour.

We had a big night out on Friday- drinking Chang beer (6.5%) and Mekong whiskey and coke before taking a tuktuk to Bangal Road. Andy thought it would be funny to start off at one of the all lady boy bars without telling anyone it was an all lady boy bar. It was indeed funny, although the boys figured it out pretty quick, well except Dan. hahaha.

We went to another few bars and ended up at Tiger Discotheque (nowhere as good as the clubs in Bali). Andy wanted to see a local band perform there and was crushed to learn that the amazing lead guitarist had left.

The next day was trouble on the bikes day. There is a busy intersection on the beach where the police like to pull people over. First Gianluca got pulled over for not wearing a helmet- he bribed the cop with 500THB instead of having to go to the police station and pay 1000THB. Next Andy (with me on the back) got pulled over and fined for not having his drivers license on him (it's actually in England, oops). A 30 min trip to the police station and a 300THB fine later and we were on our way. While I was waiting with the bike some strange older Swiss man came up to me asking about renting bikes- like I'm some sort of expert? haha

Today was more of the same. Rob went for his big half sleeve tattoo, which is supposed to take 12 hours total. We went up to visit him throughout the day a few times and it looks great. I don't think it will take that long to finish.

Tonight theres a big football game on live from Europe: Man United v Chelsea. We'll be going to some bar to watch it.

I've been loving the Thai food here and had possibly the best curry of my life the other night (Thai yellow curry).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[color=#0066cc][u]Hello guys! I'm about going on holiday to Asia. I would like some info on[/u][/color] [url=]Pattaya[/url] [color=#0066cc][u]in[/u][/color] [url=]Thailand[/url][color=#0066cc][u]. It's a good place to go with family or I should choose another place? Thank You :-)[/u][/color]