Saturday, December 19, 2009


Welp, I've somehow made it a week in Canada. It has only gotten colder since I've been here. I've been jetlegged as f*ck and all I want to do is hibernate. I've been out quite a bit with my Mom doing Christmas type shopping- the people of Kingston have been a major disappointment. They seem hollow and beaten. Was it always like this? and am I only noticing this now because I'm an outsider? Or is this some new recession added perk? Or is this just what a real winter does to people? We took some stuff to donate at Value Village and I didn't want to wait for this big SUV that was full of bags to unload so I just took our small box up to the door. The employee snapped at me: "Okay, next time you're gonna have to wait!" Next time I won't give my donations to Value Village, asshole. Then in Costco I was sampling a desk chair and when I got up my behind was wet! Someone probably sat and peed in that chair before me. Great.
Luckily the brother and sister return late tonight so that should wake this place up a bit. Friends return to the mothertown for the holidays this coming week as well. Oh and I'm making my Mom buy me a case of Strongbow at The Beer Store today.
My Mom and I put up all the Santas the other day. We couldn't find one of the cookie jar ones and can't remember if it broke in a previous year or not.
Also on a more positive note, we're probably going skiiing in January! I haven't been in like 13 years! YAY!

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