Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ko Samui to Ko Phangan

Our Room at Plaa's Bungalows... the best room EVER
We had an interesting start to trying to get to Ko Phangan. It consisted of Andy and Tommy staying out all night and then Andy trying not to sleep at all. This didn’t last long and he was out cold pretty fast around 9am. At noon, when we had to check out and get a taxi to the boat to Ko Phangan he refused to get out of bed. It wasn’t pretty but we got him up. He then slept on the lounge chairs as we waited for the taxi and on the boat. Now the boat was over crowded, like there were probably 50 people on there that shouldn’t have been. We had to sit/stand on the lower deck in the aisle between the rows of seats.

Not happy on the boat

When we arrived in Ko Phangan we were all pretty hungry and went straight to Same-Same Burger. Pretty good for a thai burger. Then Andy and I took off to find the 7-11 with no success, but we did find a stupid lady driving a tuktuk who agreed to drive us to the other side of the island to our bungalows.
The drive was interesting- the roads were a combination of paved and dirt, with the dirt roads having the worst water damage EVER. Like giant groves criss-crossed the road where the rain water had run down it. It was amazing that the tuktuk didn’t break an axle and that none of us or our bags fell out.

Rough Ride

When we arrived we marched along the beach, through the cave in the rocks, and up a thousand steps to the reception and restaurant of Plaa’s Than Sadet. The view from up there was spectacular.

View from Plaa's back towards the island

Plaa himself showed us to our rooms; Andy picked the first room but I quickly no we want that one, to the one that was a little in front of the first and had a hammock. We quickly decided it was the best room in the world. The bed was even complete with a classic mosquito net hanging from the ceiling! I already didn’t want to leave before we’d even spent the first night there.
To be continued…

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