Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Los Angeles Layover

I last wrote from the Ottawa airport, in somewhat of a mood due the distribution of false/misleading/whatever information. I’ll have you know that that day of flying went well- we arrived in LA 30minutes early!!! A small miracle according to my history with Chicago O’Hare and American Airlines, haha.
Anyway, I know type from LAX, Terminal 3, waiting for my V Australia flight to Sydney! Weeeeeeee! I’ll recap my two nights in LA. Elaine, my gracious hostess, picked me up at the airport and we joined her boyfriend Ian and a few of his friend for a bit of NFL watching at a bar in Santa Monica. It was loud and fun and I forgot how refreshing Mexican beer can be. Later we dumped my stuff at her place and met up with fellow Longhorn ex-swimmer, Ashely Razo (who was in town for the big BSC Bowl loss, sad face), for dinner. It was a great reunion.
The next morning Nikki joined us for breakfast at a cute place in Hollywood, Grub, and then we all went for a hike at Temescal State Park. We intended to only go about 2 miles but I think it ended up being about 4 or so. It was fun and the views from the hills were wicked. You could see all of LA and surrounding area and of course the lovely thick layer of smog. After a quick shower Elaine and I hit Melrose for some shopping and checked out the Farmers Market where we found golden raspberries!!! Weird! They tasted just like the red ones!
Later we met Ian for dinner at the same place Jill had taken the team about 4 years ago when we spent the first few days of 2006 training with USC and watching the Longhorns win the National Championship. Crazy. After a movie it was time for bed.
Monday involved me having a heart attack on a plate for breakfast and then packing up and heading to the airport 5 hours early, where I now sit and wait. I am so happy that this day has finally arrived! I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited to get somewhere. Eeeeeeeeee!!Yeah, so although my time in LA was short, it was very sweet, and really the perfect layover J

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