Friday, January 8, 2010

Mont Tremblant

Saruman's Tower at the Summit
On Monday afternoon we drove 4+ hours to Mont Tremblant in Quebec to go skiiing. I hadn't been skiiing since I was 14 years old and was both nervous and excited to hit the slopes after a 13 year absence.

Heading back to dinner in the village

When we got to our hotel that evening we had a few drinks, had dinner, had more drinks, and had a general good time.

A pitcher of Sleeman's Rousse later...

The next morning we got up at 7am, had coffee, got our gear and lift tickets and headed out.

Greg waiting for me to stop taking pictures and get my shit together.

Needless to say I was still a little drunk in the morning and told my Dad and brother that I wanted to start slow aka on the green circles (easiest) and blue squares (more difficult). Sure sure they said, we'll do a few blue squares to get started. So on the first run we did a blue square and it was okay. I my Dad was yaking directions/orders/tips/what have you at me as he skiied down hill in front of me. "Dad, when you start talking and then start going down the hill with your back to me I can't hear you." Yeah, okay, well he kept doing it. On the second run I was tricked and taken down a black diamond (most difficult). It was okay, I survived. But then, they took me down another black diamond, one with a very small entrance between some ropes and an accompanying sign that read "Marginal Conditions." So at just after 9am in the morning, I was all shakey (from the previous night's booze) trying to ski down fucking icey mogels on my 3rd run! I fell a few times and was convinced my Dad was trying to kill me. Was this a conspiracy between my Mom and Dad to keep me in the country? Break a couple of her bones and she won't be able to fly anywhere! Muhahhahahahahahaha! But it wasn't and I got braver and it got way better, especially after I had some breakfast and my blood alcohol level decreased. And in the end it was awesome and going fast was no longer scary, but FUN and AWESOME.

Peak of The Edge in the distance

Yeah, so we skiied until the lifts stopped at 3:30pm (it starts getting dark at like 4pm up here in the Great White North), had some maple taffy, and then drove home. YAY.

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