Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Last World Cup Game

On Sunday night I watched my last live World Cup game. It was England vs Germany and England played like shit and it seemed the refs were against them, not seeing the second England goal go across the line by 2 feet and then getting in a few players way more than once. Of course if that goal had counted it could have changed the outcome, blah blah blah. I think they still would've lost since Germany looked so fresh and fast and England did not. Oh well. Andy's now lost interest and I have no motivation to stay up until 3:30am to watch the live games. Maybe I'll sit down with the repeat of the final a few Mondays from now.

An unhappy coach Fabio... striking resemblance to one Dr P Wycliffe... no?

In other news, its raining here. Like real rain, the not usual 1 hour light sprinkle Adelaide rain, real pouring down buckets rain this time. YUCK.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The World Cup is Not Good For Jet Lag

Andy returned on Sunday! It's great to have him back even though one of us is asleep most of the time. Let me explain... his jet lag is bad and a bit on the out-of-control side, but that's only because I'm too nice and he's to weak and always gives in to sleep. When he got back on Sunday morning he was going to have a one hour nap... this one hour turned into about 8. Then we were up that night until about 2am, and he was in and out of sleep for the next 4 hours and up and at 'em at 6am. The same thing happened that next day almost, nap time at 4pm, wake up at 9pm for a few hours, then back to sleep until about 3:30am! The World Cup isn't helping either since there's a game on at 3:30am here, haha.
So last night he got home from work, slept 5:30pm to 11pm, watched England beat Slovenia and make it out of the group stage, barely! Then went back to sleep at around 2am and was wide awake at 5:30am. Today was exactly the same except this time I don't think he'll be getting up for the 11pm game, will probably wake up at 3:30 ready to go again... ugh. No more being nice starting Friday, since this is sort of starting to mess up my sleep too. But it's so good have him back, did I say that already?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Makeover, Makeover!

Remember that episode of Clone High when Abe and then Cleo give Joan of Arc a makeover and then JFK gives Gandhi a makeover? ["Fowah suppah I er uh want a pawtty plattah!"]
Well I kind of just did the same thing to my blog, I even sang the Makeover, makeover, makeover, makeover, makeover, makeover, MA-KO-VER! song.
I haven't decided if I like it yet though... so it might change again in a week... Wesley.


Just when you think the that little girl disguised as a 16 year old pop phenomenon has fallen off my radar screen... she/he/it's back!


and from Urban Dictionary:

BIEBIAN: a lesbian who looks like Justin Bieber.

"I was at American Apparel the other day and I thought I saw Justin Bieber buying a hoodie... but it turned out to be just a biebian.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Top 2 Favourite World Cup Memories...

1. My Dad's favourite words to say (saying?) during the entire summer of 1994: ROBERTO BAGGIO!

2. Zidane vs Materazzi - World Cup Final 2006, Italy vs France.

World Cup Fever!

Well not quite a fever just yet as I've only watched about 20 minutes of one game. But, I have been checking the results each day and am mentally preparing myself for some late nights/early mornings to come when Andy gets back on Sunday... because he definitely has World Cup fever. The games are on live here on free TV so we can watch from the comfort of the only heated room in the house, unfortunately with the time difference to South Africa the live game times are far from ideal... well slash that actually, it's really only the last game of the day that's at a shit time. The one that kicks off at 7:30pm South African time- so like maybe 1:30pm or something North American EST- translates to 4am here. The first two games go at 8:30pm and 11pm, which are not bad at all, they should make for a good night in all accounts... but 4am. Yuck.

Anyways, I was told that Spain was a favorite but after their loss to Switzerland yesterday I'm a little how do you say... comment ca veut dire WTF? haha Not to mention das Germans slaughtering of the Socceroos... there was big hype here about that game and then the Monday morning news was priceless! All those tired and sad faces of the people who stayed up and out in the bars and streets (there's a big, outdoor screen in the pedestrian mall in the CBD... who would want to sit in the winter cold at 4am to watch their shit soccer team? I do not know. Also many pubs have obtained a special license to stay open all night for the Cup) all night to watch them get destroyed! The best part of my Monday! Oh yeah and Argentina looks good today against Korea but they're a little sneaky too... could get interesting.

Although, wouldn't this world just be a better place if England won?

Friday, June 11, 2010

No More Big 12?

The landscape of NCAA Division I conferences is a changing... read here... and here.

Does this mean all my Big 12 branded stuff will be worth something someday?

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Why can't people have their shit together when it matters to me and the people I love?
Why does it have to be so cold?
Why won't someone give me a chance at a better job?
Why does that one kid always puke in my Saturday morning kindy class?
Why can't things be cheaper, or free?!
Why does my car have to be so greedy?
Why does it seem like the world is against me this year?
Why did that lady have to ask about breaststroke tonight? I really didn't want to get my hair wet...
Why does my Chang shirt stink?
Why can't some people take a hint?
Why'd I have to eat all the cookies already? :(
Why do I have a cold again?
When is that stupid bitch Joanne going to be kicked off Masterchef??!!!!!
Why wouldn't that lady just give me the Kasabian tickets today?
Why am I still reading this Twilight shit?
Why does it always rain on me?
Why'd I leave that cake out in the rain?
WHY can't I just get a gawddamn break already!?

Why did this monkey want the whiskey so bad?

Okay, that feels a bit better...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Personal Fav...

Clearly this needed to be shared.

Tomorrow my plans are: Baking cookies, knitting, and reading.

Now all I need are Grandkids, dentures, and some prunes to make my day complete. ;)