Thursday, June 24, 2010

The World Cup is Not Good For Jet Lag

Andy returned on Sunday! It's great to have him back even though one of us is asleep most of the time. Let me explain... his jet lag is bad and a bit on the out-of-control side, but that's only because I'm too nice and he's to weak and always gives in to sleep. When he got back on Sunday morning he was going to have a one hour nap... this one hour turned into about 8. Then we were up that night until about 2am, and he was in and out of sleep for the next 4 hours and up and at 'em at 6am. The same thing happened that next day almost, nap time at 4pm, wake up at 9pm for a few hours, then back to sleep until about 3:30am! The World Cup isn't helping either since there's a game on at 3:30am here, haha.
So last night he got home from work, slept 5:30pm to 11pm, watched England beat Slovenia and make it out of the group stage, barely! Then went back to sleep at around 2am and was wide awake at 5:30am. Today was exactly the same except this time I don't think he'll be getting up for the 11pm game, will probably wake up at 3:30 ready to go again... ugh. No more being nice starting Friday, since this is sort of starting to mess up my sleep too. But it's so good have him back, did I say that already?

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