Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Last World Cup Game

On Sunday night I watched my last live World Cup game. It was England vs Germany and England played like shit and it seemed the refs were against them, not seeing the second England goal go across the line by 2 feet and then getting in a few players way more than once. Of course if that goal had counted it could have changed the outcome, blah blah blah. I think they still would've lost since Germany looked so fresh and fast and England did not. Oh well. Andy's now lost interest and I have no motivation to stay up until 3:30am to watch the live games. Maybe I'll sit down with the repeat of the final a few Mondays from now.

An unhappy coach Fabio... striking resemblance to one Dr P Wycliffe... no?

In other news, its raining here. Like real rain, the not usual 1 hour light sprinkle Adelaide rain, real pouring down buckets rain this time. YUCK.

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