Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Belated Canada Day! and Cone Head Dog!

Happy Belated Canada Day!
In celebration of my home nation's 143rd birthday I had an Australian beer with dinner! Wooooo, party animal! I've been in hibernation mode, sort of, lately because the nights have been record-breakingly cold. It got down to 3C yesterday! And the days don't get much past 14C... though the sun does feel nice still. But, boy, does winter stink in any form.

In other news, Whitby the dog, who is an outdoor dog, got spayed last Friday. The vet told our roommates, Whitby's owners, that if she started biting at her stitiches they'd have to put a cone around her head to prevent her from opening them up. Well. Being a barely 6month old puppy with entirely too much energy she totally started going for the stitches... and was thus given the cone! Or the, er, makeshift cone: an old bucket with the bottom cut out. It did it's job.

Does she look like Cleo, or what?

Cone Head Whitby

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