Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dinner and a Movie

When we first arrived in Adelaide I signed up for this things called Fringe Benefits... it's associated with the annual Fringe Festival and consists of a weekly email about up and coming events in the arts: visual, music, theater, film, cabaret, etc. I thought it'd be a good idea to join to get an idea of the Adelaide scene and also because it offers a discount to members. They also do a Win Tix section each week. I always enter, even if it only sounds remotely interesting. Anyways, last week I finally won something- a double pass to a sneek peek of the movie The Kids Are Alright. It doesn't come out til September but we got to see it on Thursday (after dinner at a Mexican place that was a notch or two below Taco Cabana in taste but about 10 notches above in price, or course). The movie, I mean film, was a standout at Sundance, and it was obvious why... the story was unique, the acting was excellent, and it was very funny. Andy was a little reluctant to go since it did sound like a bit of a chick flick, but he ended up really liking it too.
Not much is new around here, our housemates are still away on holiday, so we've had this big, empty house to ourselves. It's been a relaxing week :)

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