Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The new Prime Minister (I say new because she's only been in charge for a few weeks, I'm still not entirely clear how she became PM, but one day K Rudd just wasn't in charge anymore...) just called an election. Everyone has known it's coming, but now it has finally been called, I think it's in August or something, I don't even know, sheesh.
ANYWAYS, today I was walking into Woolworths for groceries and this reporter from the Sunday Mail newspaper stopped me and asked for a moment of my time. Fine. His questions "If you were elected Prime Minister what would be the first thing you'd do?" I drew a total blank. All I could reply with was 'I don't know.' Then I told him I'm not Australian and can't vote so I really haven't been thinking much about Australian politics. He thanked me for my time.
So I missed out my chance to make the paper, he had a photographer with him and everything, haha. I blew it at my chance to be as cool as Andy :\

Day after Australia Day in The Merimbula Times

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