Monday, July 26, 2010

Master Chef Season Two

After three months of 4 nights per week at 7:30pm, season two of Master Chef Australia ended last night. I was happy with the winner, he deserved it. But now what ever will we do with our evenings? Master Chef was a sparkling gem in a sea of dirty, gray gravel.

This weekend we had a lovely brunch at Central Market and did a spot of shopping- Andy bought some new shoes. Later we kicked a soccer ball around for a bit and then went to a pool hall for a few hourse. Sunday was absolutely gorgeous. We went down to the beach and met up with a few travel buddies in Glenelg. It was a pretty relaxed weekend. On Wednesday we're off to see Kasabian at Thebarton Theater, can't wait!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The new Prime Minister (I say new because she's only been in charge for a few weeks, I'm still not entirely clear how she became PM, but one day K Rudd just wasn't in charge anymore...) just called an election. Everyone has known it's coming, but now it has finally been called, I think it's in August or something, I don't even know, sheesh.
ANYWAYS, today I was walking into Woolworths for groceries and this reporter from the Sunday Mail newspaper stopped me and asked for a moment of my time. Fine. His questions "If you were elected Prime Minister what would be the first thing you'd do?" I drew a total blank. All I could reply with was 'I don't know.' Then I told him I'm not Australian and can't vote so I really haven't been thinking much about Australian politics. He thanked me for my time.
So I missed out my chance to make the paper, he had a photographer with him and everything, haha. I blew it at my chance to be as cool as Andy :\

Day after Australia Day in The Merimbula Times

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dinner and a Movie

When we first arrived in Adelaide I signed up for this things called Fringe Benefits... it's associated with the annual Fringe Festival and consists of a weekly email about up and coming events in the arts: visual, music, theater, film, cabaret, etc. I thought it'd be a good idea to join to get an idea of the Adelaide scene and also because it offers a discount to members. They also do a Win Tix section each week. I always enter, even if it only sounds remotely interesting. Anyways, last week I finally won something- a double pass to a sneek peek of the movie The Kids Are Alright. It doesn't come out til September but we got to see it on Thursday (after dinner at a Mexican place that was a notch or two below Taco Cabana in taste but about 10 notches above in price, or course). The movie, I mean film, was a standout at Sundance, and it was obvious why... the story was unique, the acting was excellent, and it was very funny. Andy was a little reluctant to go since it did sound like a bit of a chick flick, but he ended up really liking it too.
Not much is new around here, our housemates are still away on holiday, so we've had this big, empty house to ourselves. It's been a relaxing week :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Adelaide Oval

Well Saturday was a productive day! After a loverly breakfast I bought some new running shoes and then we went into the city. Andy went to the gym and I ran home along the bike path next to the Torrens River. I lost track of time and ran for a long time but made it home in one piece.

Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs kicking and scoring

A few hours later we took the bus into the city and went to The British Hotel in North Adelaide. It's a cozy little pub with real wood fires and a dartboard! We had some fun with that for a few hours and then headed over to the Adelaide Oval for the NRL game!! We ended up sitting in the front row and it was nice to finally see the game live (and with $7 beers and footlong hotdogs!)

Mullet child in front of us during the 2nd half

During the second half we started talking to the guys sitting next to us and then ended up going to to a bar on Hindley Street in the CBD after the game... well that didn't last long because we decided these guys were weirdos and probably ex-cons and so we ran away from them... literally. We actually ran down across the street and around the corner. In a drunken haze we some how caught the right bus and got home safe. Only to wake up quite hung Sunday morning :)

PS The Bulldogs won 20-18... as a Melbourne Storm fan I was not impressed.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


On Saturday the NRL (National Rugby League) is coming to the Adelaide Oval and we have tickets!! There are 16 NRL teams, with 1 in Victoria, 1 in New Zealand, 3 in Queensland, and 11 in New South Wales! Back in the day there was a team here but unfortunately AFL is the only footy played in SA. They are trying to change this and thus bringing a game to Adelaide- Melbourne Storm (my fav team) vs Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs. Anyways, I'm really looking forward to it!!

In other news, Spain beat Germany yesterday! and in doing so Andy next to miraculously won a $100 bet with a co-worker. I don't like it when he bets on sport, but he's off the hook this time. His Aussie co-worked better payout today!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Belated Canada Day! and Cone Head Dog!

Happy Belated Canada Day!
In celebration of my home nation's 143rd birthday I had an Australian beer with dinner! Wooooo, party animal! I've been in hibernation mode, sort of, lately because the nights have been record-breakingly cold. It got down to 3C yesterday! And the days don't get much past 14C... though the sun does feel nice still. But, boy, does winter stink in any form.

In other news, Whitby the dog, who is an outdoor dog, got spayed last Friday. The vet told our roommates, Whitby's owners, that if she started biting at her stitiches they'd have to put a cone around her head to prevent her from opening them up. Well. Being a barely 6month old puppy with entirely too much energy she totally started going for the stitches... and was thus given the cone! Or the, er, makeshift cone: an old bucket with the bottom cut out. It did it's job.

Does she look like Cleo, or what?

Cone Head Whitby