Monday, August 2, 2010

Door Miracle

I'm really excited about a few things right now.
#1 is that the car door I reported being falling-apart in May has been repaired! I need to remind myself once again that Paul Wycliffe possibly has all the answers and I should have emailed about this matter months ago, instead of just last week. His suggestion was to replace the plastic screws that hold the two pieces of the door together. Duh. Of course the old ones were warped and old, why didn't I think of that? AND the box of new screws cost a whopping $5! We did a little dance of celebration in the front yard when it was fixed. hahaha.
#2 is that I'm going back to Byron Bay after over a year! Diva is getting hitched and I'll be there to witness it! Should be a good weekend back in the Bay!
#3 is that Kasabian was really good last week and I got a haircut which I'm quite happy with, it dries much faster than the old 'golden retreiver' style I was sporting before.

However, there is one thing I am not too crazy about these days: I think I killed my basil plant. I neglected it for a few weeks and it's not bouncing back like I hoped it would. One more harvest to make pesto with, pleeeeease basil plant, please!


Anonymous said...

winter never was a good time to grow basil

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site
Is this possible?