Thursday, May 13, 2010

Survivor, Return of the Car Spider... and When Did my Blog Get So Boring?

We've been watching all of the latest season of Survivor: Heros vs Villians. Sadly, it has become a highlight of my week and I get really excited about it coming on on Tuesday nights. We've also been watching the new season of Australian Master Chef... it's okay, there is too much crying so far though. :*****( boo woo.

Last night Andy and Rob saw the car spider again. It was outside the car running across the windshield they claim. They knocked it off the roof with a fishing rod but don't know where it went because it was dark. Andy says its been living in the drivers door of the car... which is possible because on the weekend the door started falling apart- the inside plastic part is separating from the metal outside part... maybe the spider ate all the glue that holds it together?? IDK.

And lastly, when did this blog get so boring? Baking and tv shows? Sheesh.

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