Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Sad One

Welp, after a week that wasn't turning out to be as good as we would have liked- I got a nasty head cold that stole my tasting and smelling abilities, Andy was having a bad time at work (he says he just kept making a lot of mistakes that he usually wouldn't make), and Rob still hadn't moved out from his hamster cage (thats another story)- it got worse. Andy got a phone call Thursday morning with some terrible news from England and he is now on his way there, via a night in Singapore. His best friend, who was a British Royal Marine, was killed in Afghanastan by a roadside bomb. I only can imagine how Andy feels; this was a guy he talked about often and his stories have created such a legend in my mind that I'm devastated that I never got the chance to meet him. My heart goes out to his wife, 4 month old son, family, and friends.

So, I will be Andy-less for around two weeks. I wanted to go with him but it was financially impossible for us at this point in time. Also, it rained today... winter is here :(

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