Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost and Cold

I am suddenly very regretful that I did not watch this season of Lost. It was on Aussie TV but I couldn't be bothered to find out what channel and at what time it was on. Big mistake. Now I must wait until it comes out on DVD or maybe my little brother will find it in his heart to DL it all, burn in on to DVD and mail it to me :) (hint hint hint Greg!)

In other news... we baked another Italian Cream cake yesterday to drown out the horrible weather. It was gray and rainy and cold (12C)! I felt cold all day and went to bed feeling pretty yuck. Woke this morning with a brutal head cold. booo whooo whooo. However, the sun is back today, like it was on Satruday- we made it to the beach that day for a few hours! Not quite warm enough to take any clothes off, but still very nice- still a bit nippy today though. I think I might have to buy a real winter coat this week.

On Friday it was Andy and my one year 'anniversary', we ended up going out for dinner to a nice Thai place, very good food.

Not much else new to report from down here... still looking for a good price on a flight to Bali and now trying to convince Andy we should move to Darwin or Cairns where it never gets cold like it does here! HA!

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