Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Welp, I’m back at MacDonald’s abusing their free wifi because we are still internet-less at the new pad. We got the keys and moved in on Friday and then took the weekend (it was a long weekend due to Labour Day Monday) to clean and put things away. It still feels surreal, I keep expecting someone to call and tell us vacation is over, get out! I’ll post some pictures once we get our internet installed (10-20 business days, woof) and you’ll understand what I mean. We got to do some fun shopping on Saturday… not only did we get essential cleaning supplies and kitchen utensils, but Andy was insistent on a better TV than the 19” box that came with the place… We ended up basically having Christmas in October: 47” LCD digital TV, PS3 +F1 game, iPOD docking station, wireless router/modem, and home phone (we’re getting a home phone with our internet), oh and an HDMI cable to hook the PS3 up to the TV!

It seems that a drastic improvement in the weather has coincided with our move; it’s been sunny and warm (21-26) all weekend, warm enough for me to wear ¾ length pants and a t-shirt! AMAZING!

Getting settled into the new place is the only thing on the agenda for the next little while… oh except for that little half marathon I’m running next weekend…!

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