Saturday, October 23, 2010

Nothing New to Report

Welp. Nothing much has happened in the last two weeks around these parts. It's slowly, s-l-o-w-l-y getting warmer. We're supposed to have our first 30 degree celcius (86F) day on Thursday and have had a few 27s so far but it's been inconsistent and the weekends have been the coolest days of the week (E.g. Thursday and Friday were 28 and then today, Saturday, it's 19) Balls.
The most exciting thing I can tell you about is the epic thai meal I prepared on Thursday night. It smelt and tasted like Thailand (minus the background garbage/sewage smell, haha). It was coconut poached chicken thigh, sweet potato and red pepper, with jasmine rice cooked in chicken stock, and then topped with satay sauce (I cheated a bit on this cause I used thai red curry paste). Shit it was good.
This afternoon we're heading to the pub for some rugby league four nations, but that's as exciting as it gets round these parts.
Oh wait a tic, yesterday we went to part one of our two part medical for our perm res visa. It consisted of peeing in a cup, sight test, weight and height taken, chest Xray, and blood test. The blood test nurse told us not to lift anything heavy, not even a handbag, for one hour afterwards. Well I scoofed at that and then forgot... and then at the grocery store, still within the hour, I picked up a 3L jug of milk and carried it around then waiting in the checkout line realized I was doing heavy lifting and switched hands. Well..... let me tell you, the nurse's advice should've been taken more seriously. I now have a large 'track' mark in the crook of my right elbow and a tender bruise :( Oh poor baby.

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