Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sydney Sydney Sydney!

Well I made it to Sydney alive. The 13.5 hour flight was pretty good minus the bogan Aussie's in the row behind me who asked me not to recline my seat because she "had no room." Hello, we're sitting in economy, none of u have room. Whoever she was with told the Houstonite sitting beside me that if he put his seat back again he was an asshole. The older Alabaman woman on the end of our three seats heard this and freaked out, "Get a flight attendent, oh my god, get a flight attendent." All I could think was "Welcome to Australia!" hahaha The Aussie guy muttered something about 'yanks' a few minutes later as well.
After no problems with customs and quarantine, I took a cab to Coogee Beach and reunited with Andy. This was all before 7:30am.
We had a nap then wandering around Coogee for a bit and just had a great, relaxing day.
Today we moved from Andy's friends apartment (he's away on vacation with his parents and returns today) to a hotel in King's Cross. We have a few decisions to make in the next four days and it loooks like buying a car and heading to Adelaide is in our foreseeable futures. It's really exciting to have no looming deadlines or anything like that- the world is really our oyster right now :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we're houstonians, not houstonites. HAHAHA