Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Sad One

Welp, after a week that wasn't turning out to be as good as we would have liked- I got a nasty head cold that stole my tasting and smelling abilities, Andy was having a bad time at work (he says he just kept making a lot of mistakes that he usually wouldn't make), and Rob still hadn't moved out from his hamster cage (thats another story)- it got worse. Andy got a phone call Thursday morning with some terrible news from England and he is now on his way there, via a night in Singapore. His best friend, who was a British Royal Marine, was killed in Afghanastan by a roadside bomb. I only can imagine how Andy feels; this was a guy he talked about often and his stories have created such a legend in my mind that I'm devastated that I never got the chance to meet him. My heart goes out to his wife, 4 month old son, family, and friends.

So, I will be Andy-less for around two weeks. I wanted to go with him but it was financially impossible for us at this point in time. Also, it rained today... winter is here :(

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lost and Cold

I am suddenly very regretful that I did not watch this season of Lost. It was on Aussie TV but I couldn't be bothered to find out what channel and at what time it was on. Big mistake. Now I must wait until it comes out on DVD or maybe my little brother will find it in his heart to DL it all, burn in on to DVD and mail it to me :) (hint hint hint Greg!)

In other news... we baked another Italian Cream cake yesterday to drown out the horrible weather. It was gray and rainy and cold (12C)! I felt cold all day and went to bed feeling pretty yuck. Woke this morning with a brutal head cold. booo whooo whooo. However, the sun is back today, like it was on Satruday- we made it to the beach that day for a few hours! Not quite warm enough to take any clothes off, but still very nice- still a bit nippy today though. I think I might have to buy a real winter coat this week.

On Friday it was Andy and my one year 'anniversary', we ended up going out for dinner to a nice Thai place, very good food.

Not much else new to report from down here... still looking for a good price on a flight to Bali and now trying to convince Andy we should move to Darwin or Cairns where it never gets cold like it does here! HA!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Survivor, Return of the Car Spider... and When Did my Blog Get So Boring?

We've been watching all of the latest season of Survivor: Heros vs Villians. Sadly, it has become a highlight of my week and I get really excited about it coming on on Tuesday nights. We've also been watching the new season of Australian Master Chef... it's okay, there is too much crying so far though. :*****( boo woo.

Last night Andy and Rob saw the car spider again. It was outside the car running across the windshield they claim. They knocked it off the roof with a fishing rod but don't know where it went because it was dark. Andy says its been living in the drivers door of the car... which is possible because on the weekend the door started falling apart- the inside plastic part is separating from the metal outside part... maybe the spider ate all the glue that holds it together?? IDK.

And lastly, when did this blog get so boring? Baking and tv shows? Sheesh.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


On Sunday we took a day trip out to Wallaroo on the Yorke Penisula... it's about 1h45m from Adelaide. We spent the gorgeous day on the jetty, I read while the boys fished. Needless to say I was the only one to catch anything... rays! ha!
The jetty was next to/part of a grain storage facility and was a port for grain carrying ships. Thus there was a lot of spilled grain around and also a lot of pigeons! You could barely see them, but you could you hear them... they were hanging out under the boards of the jetty. Cooing away.
Here is our day in pictures:

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Puffed Out

Newsflash: Aussie's still can't speak English. The latest piece of evidence for my case is puffed out... it means out of breath. The bratty kids at swim lessons say it, even if they're not breathing hard or red in the face.
In other news I have 3 perm shifts at the pool now- thats a guaranteed 5hr/wk! ha! On Thursday nights I teach adults who are beginners and scared of the water, or at least not comfortable... I have trouble relating to them.

Rob arrived on Friday from England. He's staying with us at the moment and is going to give Oz another shot.

It's getting stupid cold here, winter is here, booooo. I'm going to have to buy a winter coat soon, blah! My mind is pretty much set on a Bali vacation in July or August... hopefully the JetStar birthday sale can get me and Andy there :)

We've continued with our Sunday baking. This past weekend was brownie-berry trifle, and the one before that coconut cream pie. Yum-yum!