Friday, March 26, 2010

Aussie Baking Woes PLUS! Something Australia is good at!

So I have been doing a lot of baking/cookng lately for a few reasons:

a. I have a lot of time on my hands being partially unemployed
b. We have good gas cooking at this place- stove top and oven
c. Central Market- high quality, fresh ingredients at the right price
d. Recently discovered bulk food store in the same building as the market! I haven't been this excited about something in a while... isn't that sad?? haha

My most recent endevour was thai red curry, something I miss a lot from thailand. I used Gordon Ramsay's thai red curry paste recipe from his World Kitchen book, fresh ingredients from the market and bulk place. Apart from the paste recipe I roughly followed his green thai curry recipe from the same book, but just for the order of how things should happen. It ended up tasting like thailand, I was so impressed! And I made enough paste to have it again next week!!

On Tuesday I had the day off and decided I should make some pies. So I made a tortiere and an apple pie... second time doing the crusts from scratch, and again, my gawd, they turned out well.

But here is where the woes come... I made an angel food cake a few weeks ago and an Italian cream cake a few weeks before that, and could NOT find two ingredients that I know are readily available in a regular old grocery store in North America... these were: egg whites (like just egg whites, in a milk style carton) and buttermilk! I was both shocked and pissed off that I couldn't find them anywhere.
But on a more positive note. I am pleased to report that other than smarties, I have found something that Australia does alarmingly well! Iced coffee flavored milk! Now, since I didn't look for it in NA ,and well, it obviously wasn't in my face like it is here, it may actually exist back home. It's a big thing here anyways and I like it. haha

Farmers Union Strong Iced Coffee is probs my fav... don't know what this Tasmanian thing is about...

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