Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's My Birthday, bitch!

Things that have happened in the last 72 hours or so...
-On Thursday I bought a bike from Kmart and had to assemble some it (with Andy's help)
-On Thursday I also had the first baking "disaster" I've maybe ever had- I made angel food cake in a scalloped silicon mould and it didn't cook all the way in the scallops... I didn't realize this until it was cooled and I'd taken it out of the mould. I popped it on a cookie sheet and baked it longer and somehow salvaged most of it... it's not pretty though!

Half-failed Angel Food Cake... boy it tasted good though
- We went to a gas station to pump up the tires and somewhat stupidly inflated them to the recommended psi on the tires... when we put the bike back in the car and set off for home there was a f*cking loud as POP! The front tire (well inner tube) had blown and was just sitting there!
-On Friday morning I met with a media guy and thought it was just for a 'chat' but then he basically offered me a full time, secure, job... but before I accept I have to be able to guarantee that I'm going to be staying here, in Adelaide, for more than just 6 months (aka I need to see how to get a more permanent visa)... eeee decisions! (I have a few weeks to think about it and the job wouldn't start until late May)
-I bought a new inner tube
-We went into the city on Friday evening to watch NRL (Rugby League) and have some beers at a pub/bar/hotel only to first be devastated that it wasn't on and then be elated that it was on but just about an hour later than we thought it should have been. haha
-On Saturday morning we went to Central Market and had breakfast at Big Table. Australia, as a whole, may have redeemed itself in terms of being able to make excellent breakfasts, in one flew swoop.
-Saturday Beach time at West Beach! And saw dolphins just 25m from shore!
-I installed the new inner tube on the bike.
-We went out for dinner on fancy dancy Hutt Street to a place called Citrus. It was very good. We sat outside, in the perfect temp (probs around 25) and could hear the nearby Clipsal500 buzz. We started with the Carpaccio Trilogy (scallops, beef, beets). Had a nice bottle of SA wine (2008 Ralph Fowler Viognier) with our mains, I had a pasta as a main, tea-smoked chicken something rather, it was pretty good, the pancetta was north american bacon though, not pancetta. Andy had the fish of the day, which was snapper, and he could not find fault. They had delivered the wrong dish to me at first and then apologized a million times, then we had to wait like 10minutes (they took Andy's away while we waited to keep it warm/cold? His came with a little scoop of pomergranite sorbet on top), and then said they'd take 25% off our bill for the error. Plus they gave us complimentary necterine sorbet! Great service, we'll go back.
Carpaccio Trilogy

-Andy's friend from home, Craig, who lives in Brisbane, was supposed to fly in this morning (Sunday) at 8:30am. The two of them are taking a course to get their Aussie electrician licenses and it starts tomorrow morning. Since we live so close to the airport (we can walk to the terminal in less than 10mins) Andy kept calling his mobile to see if he'd got his bags and was ready to be pikced up. Eventually someone had answered, but it wasn't Craig. He'd left his phone in his friends car and this was after he'd overslept and missed his flight! So he doesn't arrive until noon now and is without a phone AND the course is over 3 weeks! haha
-Andy made an amazing bday breakfast!
-It's my birfday!

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