Monday, March 1, 2010

Running and The Running Man, among other things...

Sorry for the lack of posting, I have no excuse other than unmotivation... is that even a word? Today is the first day of my 4th week of looking for a GAWD DAMN JOB. It is a true proverbial ball ache. I had an interview today with a big catering company that does corporate functions at the big AFL stadium. I lied on my resume, saying I used to work catering events all the time in early the summers during university... well I didn't prepare this lie very well for the interview and my answers were shit and it went not very well. I felt dumb walking out of there. Tomorrow is more hopeful though, I will meet with an advertising guy for a 'chat' and probably more advice like the guy on Friday gave me. Apparently the Adelaide ad agency scene is small and therefore competitive to become a part of... balls. Also tomorrow I have an interview at a swim school... some what of a last resort in my books. It'd be for lessons I think, not coaching TG. If I land that at least it will be easy and honest, although the mandatory $230 AUST SWIM course will be another ball ache.

In more positive news I went for a run on Thursday and can't believe how bad a shape I'm in. I'm still sore from it today (Monday). But it's made me want to be more active again... I'm really itching to get a bicycle and ride everywhere instead of driving the blue petrol binge guzzeler. That bitch. Also, I read the Running Man last week and now need to see the movie. Did the book inspire my run? Not really.

On Saturday our roomates had a joint 30th Birthday Party. They called it their 60th. HA. HA. HA. They made shit loads of food and said 30 people had RSVPed and 40 more had said 'maybe.' We weren't there for the whole thing but guess less than 30 showed up, and that includes 4 parents, 2 siblings, and a cousin. Ouch. Andy and I enjoyed a free dinner and some drinks... too many drinks for me in the end (middle of the night puke, followed by water not staying down the next morning... fun! The second time I threw up the water I had just brushed my teeth and it actually tasted alright... that's pretty gross isn't it?) damn Champaign. Of course no Aussie gathering would be complete without some drama. Instead of the usual raising of the voices and violence that I've so far experienced in Byron and Far North Queensland, this time we had tears, tears, and more tears, and oh wait there was a violent action that caused it. See the roomates got this puppy a week ago and at the party the puppy was going for some food on the table. Our female roomate went to get her away from the food and all I ended up seeing was the dog flying over a chair and on to it's head and then doggy crying for a few minutes and an Aussie crying in disbelief that she'd just done that to her dog.
Say What?
She says she went to pick the pooch up, the dog wriggled as she scooped her up and slid out of her hands, and then went flying. The dog wouldn't put any weight on it's back leg afterwards for the rest of the night, but was walking the next morning. The leg is fine now and the puppy doesn't seem phased either.

Oh yeah, one more thing...
How about those Canadians?!!! 14 Golds at one winter games is not only a record for a host country by 4! BUT a record for most Golds won by any country at a winter games by 1! YAY!

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